How to help


The sponsor makes a monthly donation that allows the beneficiary to receive lunch, snack, academic support, school implements and participate in artistic activities, family encounters, educational and recreational trips and community-living workshops. They also benefit from medical and dental check-ups and hearing and sight tests, amongst others. Only a small percentage of donations goes to help pay for administration costs.

The funds collected are invested directly in specific activities and benefits for the sponsored child while they are still at school, as they are managed individually. Similarly, as a member of DUO, small amounts of savings are accumulated in the name of each child, which, once their schooling is completed, can only be used as a contribution towards further education costs.

A sponsored child is a child less exposed to the dangers and influence of the streets. The spaces shared within PROYECTO DUO provide them with positive examples of values, alternative experiences of how to approach life and interact with others, as well as explore artistic expression, leading to an integral development.


The people or companies aware of their social responsibility can support PROYECTO DUO through donations of money or in kind, which is destined towards the development of the project itself, to the children’s activities or for specific objectives, depending on the wishes of the donor.


A permanent team of volunteers who support PROYECTO DUO, give their time freely not only to help in the development of the project itself, but also to coordinate and lead the various tasks and activities of which it is composed. All of this is done according to the particular experience and knowledge of each volunteer, in line with the social intervention model defined. If you would like to become part of the project, please send us your details and we will contact you.


Some friends of DUO have gone overseas and now PROYECTO DUO can count on “symbolic ambassadors” in Austria and Puerto Rico, who organise promotional activities to acquire international sponsors and donors. Currently we have various citizens from Austria, Lebanon, France, the United States, England, Canada and Ecuador who sponsor children in DUO. If you would like to promote PROYECTO DUO in your country, please send us your details and we will contact you.


DUO now also has an option for celebrations, special occasions, Christmas or in memory of a loved one, etc.: a donation that contributes to a better future for a child, with a certificate to pass onto the celebrated person. If you are interested in the Gift Donation, please contact us.